The Pet Pantry is a two-foot wooden box located on the church grounds adjacent to the driveway exit that is managed by Cub Scout Pack #556.
The pantry is designed to support the pet population in the community by offering owners enough pet food to get their animals through the day. All items are free of charge.
There is a great demonstrated need in the community for pet food, and items go quickly. The box is restocked twice a day. While there are no restrictions on quantity, participants are strongly encouraged to refrain from hoarding.
The pantry offers pet food items while simultaneously encouraging the community to donate items into the box. People are encouraged to check expiration dates before donating.
The pantry is stocked with treats, canned food, and small bags of dry food for dogs and cats (and occasionally rabbits and guinea pigs.)
Large bags of dry food are accepted and can be deposited in the large brown receptacle behind the church.
There is a substantial need for pet food, and monetary or food donations are greatly appreciated.
Contact Mike Sallach for more information through the church office at 724-335-0559 or